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School Type: Contributing
Age-group: Contributing
School type: State Integrated, Co-Educational - Decile: 10
St. John's is a Year 1-6 Parish based Catholic School. Our specific purpose is to lead the children to a knowledge and love of Jesus and to assist Parents and Parish in the Religious Education of their children. We pursue this goal through our Religious Education Programme and regular class and school Masses, daily prayer, lessons, Christian music, visits from our Parish Priest, active service wherever possible and the observance of special days such as Feast Days and Mission Days.
School Type: Contributing
Age-group: Contributing
School type: State, Co-Educational - Decile: 7
Learning for a Successful Future
Sunnynook Primary School is a State Contributing School with a roll of 450 pupils. The school has 21 single cell classrooms.
The Vision of our school is "Learning for a Successful Future". Our Charter states that our students will receive a HIGH QUALITY EDUCATION to be LIFE LONG LEARNERS who will be SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE in a GLOBAL COMMUNITY.
School Type: Intermediate
Age-group: Intermediate
School type: State, Co-Educational, Normal School - Decile: 9
Takapuna Normal Intermediate School is a great place to learn, teach and work. We pride ourselves on seeking excellence in both curriculum and extra curricular activities by personalising study for the emerging adolescent.
Our curriculum is designed to provide students with life-long learning skills which will enable them to actively participate in a rapidly changing world. Learning is at the core of our school and assisting students to be passionate participants as successful learners is a major goal.
Takapuna Normal Intermediate School is located in the heart of the North Shore of Auckland and has been described as an innovative school that has a knowledge-era approach to learning.
Age-group: Contributing
School type: State, Co-Educational - Decile: 10
Browns Bay School was established in 1888 and has a tradition of providing a high standard of education for its students. We strive to provide optimal learning environments and opportunities to unlock the potential of our students and develop in them the capacity for lifelong learning.
We seek to encourage excellence, foster co-operation and sensitivity and to provide opportunities for children to realise their potential. We view education as a partnership involving home and school working together in the best interests of the children.
School Type: Intermediate
Age-group: Intermediate
School type: State, Co-Educational - Decile: 6
At Northcote Intermediate School we offer quality education in a friendly student-centered learning environment. Our curriculum programmes are designed to specifically target the needs and interests of young adolescents.
We believe in promoting a love of learning and an interest in the local and global environment through our curriculum integration model of learning. We are a small school and this enables us to cater for your child as an individual. We also offer an extensive range of sports and performing arts programmes.
School Type: Contributing
Age-group: Contributing
School type: State, Co-Educational - Decile: 9
Ridgeview is a semi-rural, decile 9 school situated 8 km outside of Albany township, on a private road bordered by beautiful farmland and quiet surroundings.
Although some children choose to travel to our school, most either walk from our local village or bike from surrounding areas. We aim for our children to be confident and competent all-rounders and work to provide them with opportunities in which they can grow and excel in our supportive environment.
Its easy to be proud of our kids, who achieve high levels of academic performance, excel on the sports field and perform confidently in cultural events and across The Arts.
School Type: Full Primary
Age-group: Primary/Intermediate (Year 1-8)
School type: State - Decile: 10
Journey with me through a world of learning
Founded in 1957 Whenupai School has grown and blossomed to a school of almost 500 pupils.
Whenuapai School is a great place and is developing outstanding students and you'll be aware of a rage of initiatives the board and staff have been implementing, including ICT upgrades and much more.
In the Principal's words: "The question I get asked quite often is what makes Whenuapai School so special. In short, it is the happy and positive atmosphere that permeates all we do here. The emphasis on encouragement and rewards for achievements, the 'open door' policy and visibility of the Principal and Senior Management are crucial parts of our School. Meeting and greeting the pupils, parents and even pre School children in the morning and saying goodbye in the afternoon is something I enjoy and maintain it is part of what makes us so special. Our School Motto 'Living is Striving' is what we are all about. We encourage the best and our results are evidence of this."
School Type: Full Primary
Summit Point School offers a unique learning opportunity for every child, helping to achieve educational success, develop independence, social skills and self-esteem. As a school we subscribe to a set of values R.I.S.C. These values are Responsibility, Integrity, Safety and Community. At all times we teach and model these values and support our students to do the same.
School Type: Contributing
Our wonderful school is situated in an attractive rural setting five kilometres north west of Albany, twenty kilometres north of Auckland city.
We have a stunning natural environment, making it a wonderful place to maximise teaching and learning.
Coatesville School provides a basis for high quality learning through a challenging, supportive, stimulating and caring environment. Opportunities are created to develop and support the strengths and talents of all individual students.